Reliable Solution for
the COVID-19 Outbreak
NamuPlex™ SARS-COV-2 FAST G Kit**
*Registered trademark in South Korea.
**Not for sale in the U.S.
***Run time may vary by testing lab parameter.
How is NamuPlex™ SARS-CoV-2 FAST G Kit different from NamuPlex™ SARS-CoV-2 G Kit?
Features and Benefits
Fast Results
less than 1 hour post extraction.
Real-time PCR
Detection and identification of target genes (RdRP, N) specific for COVID-19.
Clinical Performance
99-100% clinical sensitivity and 100% clinical specificity.
Reproducibility of less than 5% CV.
Analytical Sensitivity
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 (RdRp and N genes) with high sensitivity, regardless of virus mutations.
Test results can be easily analyzed with dedicated user-friendly Genetree Viewer assay software.
Product Specifications
Kit components
*100 tests
NO. | Kit Component | Volume | Lid Remarks |
1 | RQ Mixture | 2 vials, 600uL | RQ |
2 | RdRp P+P | 2 vials, 200uL | RdRp |
3 | N P+P | 2 vials, 200uL | N |
4 | Positive Control | 1 vial, 100uL | PC |
5 | Negative Control | 1 vial, 100uL | NC |
6 | Internal Control | 1 vial, 20uL | IC |
Work Flow
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NamuPlex™ is a registered trademark of SML Genetree Co.,Ltd. in South Korea.
ⓒ 2024 SML Genetree
NamuPlex™ is a registered trademark of SML Genetree Co.,Ltd. in South Korea.
ⓒ 2024 SML Genetree